the résumé of adam patrick georgiou

i am

  • at 
  • in New York


  • To satisfy my curiosity. To create. To search for and discover new obsessions. To respect my current responsibilities. To have moral, fruitful impact. To maximize energy and interest via follow-through. To scratch the itch. To itch the unscratched. Etc.


Building @ Runway

  • Nov, 2022 → Present
  • A few dozen employees building better financial modeling
  • Currently: leading the effort to provide integration data to Runway's platform

Senior Software Engineer @ Google

  • Nov, 2014 → Nov, 2022
  • Google Drive Frontend
  • Lead of the Drive Web Offline experience - using Service Workers and Local Storage to make Drive (and Docs) work without a network
  • Server Side Render Drive Web to improve page load by 30%.
  • Build APIs allowing other applications (Google and third-party) to extend the Google Drive Web Frontend
  • Double Click Ads Verification Frontend
  • Lead team of 2 engineers to rewrite the application from a combination of GWT and Angular JS to Angular Dart
  • Left voluntarily, in good standing, to test my independence and give startups a shot (see above)

Deck of Cardio

  • 2022
  • Mobile app for working out with a deck of cards
  • Designed, built, deployed and owned: 100% me
  • Released on Android and iOS

Software Engineer @ FactSet Research Systems Inc.

  • 2010 → 2014
  • Real-time search and alert access to financial market data
  • Provide real-time search and alert access to market data via multi-machine, multi-process, C++, Linux, Elasticsearch stack
  • Implemented company-wide Python environment from scratch (i.e. no in-house python support prior), including a build/integration system (via BuildBot, setuptools, pylint) and distribution mechanism (via internal PyPI server and PIP)
  • Lead team of 2 engineers

The George List (Currently Offline)

  • 2016
  • Built a website that aggregates all the concerts going on in NYC
  • Python and Scrapy for the backend. AngularJS for the frontend.

  • Designed a brand identity, wrote copy, and implemented a web presence for a local contracting company
  • jQuery for the moving parts; otherwise a mostly static website

Concert — Open Source Audio Collaboration

  • 2011
  • Contributed to the design and initial implementation of RESTful Django (Web) Application for sharing and collaborating on music

Photoblog (Currently Offline)

  • 2011
  • Developed a PHP, MYSQL, Smarty, jQuery based photo blogging system
  • Interfaced with Facebook API in order to post links to news feed
  • Live site is now down, however the wayback machine has a cached copy

The Monetary System

  • 2006 → 2010
  • Setup and managed company FreeBSD web server
  • Delivered technology seminars to over 40 CEOs of community banks

GitHub — Various Projects

  • Various projects, open-source contributions, and otherwise public, version-controlled files available at


Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

  • Dual B.S. Degree in Computer Science & Marketing
  • GPA: 3.9

domain knowledge/buzz words/cmd+f matches


  • Typescript, Javascript, Dart, Python, Go, Java, C++, C, HTML, CSS, JSON, Protobuf, PHP, Perl, Bash
  • React, Angular, Closure, Flutter, Numpy, Pandas, PyTorch, Django
  • GCP, K8, Postgres, Vercel, Apache
  • Git, Perforce, Emacs, Zsh, Tmux, Unix, Bazel
  • Fivetran, Workato,

Design, Marketing

  • User-Interface, User-Experience
  • Copy, Essays, Editorials
  • Brand Design, Positioning, Identity, Consistency
  • Typography, Color, Composition